what is the format festival
where is it going to be
miscellaneous party good times
zine fair
academy of DIY
bikes, camera, action
street art festival
feature artists
Academy of DIY
Sunday March 15th 2009
(Other events held from March 1st to 15th)
Event Coordinators:
Joel Catchlove and Cassie Flanagan
The Academy of DIY is a participant driven event designed to facilitate skill sharing, collaboration and the development of strong networks amongst artists and activists across disciplinary and social boundaries. It is a mixture of an open access studio and a collectively run conference, with panels, workshops, film screenings, exhibitions and collaborations. The Academy has been run three times previously. It was held twice in 2007, once as an entirely independent event and as part of the Newcastle Young Writers’ Festival. Then in 2008 it was the central part of the first Format Festival. Its success is in its diversity, with the 2008 event involving everything from panels on identity politics facilitated by academics and activists, through to vegan cooking workshops run by seventeen year old high school students.
March 1st to 15th 2009
145 Hindley Street, Adelaide